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Section Title

Type the content for this prayer section here. This is just example text to show you what it will look like when you enter text content into this prayer section. Your unique, authentic, and appropriate text will be filled into this section.


A job from God's grace and mercy and thank you God for all


Father God I ask for a life and heart that is pure and pleasing to You. I ask to be obedient to You in all things. I pray for Your grace and Your mercy to cover and consume me. I pray to be kept in Your will and accomplish Your will for my life. I pray for faith. I know You keep Your promises and Your Word is true help me believe that and have and keep the faith. I pray for salvation by grace through faith. I pray for restoration. I pray for Your blessing. I pray for Your encouragement. You can do all things. Thank You for all that You do. We love You God. In Jesus Christ name may each and every thing rely solely on Your gentle grace and mercy alone may it be given and kept now and forever amen.


Father God I pray for all my brothers and sisters in Christ please protect us. Please save us. Please bless us. Please unite us. Please let us rule over the system and Your enemies in a way that pleases You and honors You. Please bless me with obedience in all things. Please give me faith. Keep me in Your will. Please encourage me.  Please pour Your mercy and grace on me. Please restore me. Please bless me. Please I need You God. Thank You for all You provide for us. You are the best our King our God. Our Heavenly Father. I ask this now and forever by Your gentle grace and mercy alone in Jesus name and blood I humbly ask amen


I’ve been feeling very sick the last two weeks in my MA program at Multnomah University. It feels like a spiritual attack—I feel physically weak, and my mind and emotions have been attacked. I’ve fallen very behind. Pray that God will help me to completely catch up! Pray that God will restore what the locusts have eaten. Pray for strength, focus, discipline and energy. Pray that I will get ahead instead of behind. Pray for favor and grace with my professors. Pray that I will succeed this semester. Pray that God will protect me from attacks and surround me with angels. Thanks.


Please uphold me in prayer for a complete healing of my leukemia cancer, which I have been diagnosed with since Jan 2023. I am still undergoing treatment. Thank You